Symptoms of Male Menopause- Causes and Treatment Options

 Symptoms of Male Menopause- Causes and Treatment Options


Health,Fitness When talking menopause, most people automatically associate it with middle-aged women, but men can also experience something similar. Symptoms creep up slowly, until one day, a normal work schedule becomes almost overwhelming due to unexplained fatigue; and a drive that was always geared high has slowly faded away. Usually, when these symptoms begin to occur, they are followed by the one symptom that gets the most attention, and a visit to the doctor- male dysfunction. It is at that point male organ health becomes first on the priority list. As they say, knowledge is power, so knowing what male menopause is and how to treat it can bring much needed reassurance to someone suffering from this 

disheartening condition. What happens in male menopause- During puberty, the male reproductive glands begin to produce the male androgen hormone, which is the powerhouse behind muscle mass, strength, reproductive drive, and performance. This streamlined production of hormones continues unimpaired until around the age of 30. From that point on, hormone levels in men can decline at a rate of about 1 percent a year. It is at the age of 50 where these levels can drop to a point where a man starts to experience the impact of this lowered hormone level. Sometimes, a health problem can cause a drastic loss of androgen as well. Either way, symptoms that point to andropause (male menopause) should be addressed by a physician, to rule out other conditions with similar symptoms. Symptoms of low androgen- Andropause can cause a myriad of symptoms, depending on the severity of androgen loss. These include- - Low energy and unexplained fatigue, which can cause lowered interest in regular activities such as exercise or intimate play. - Depression and sadness can be a daily norm when androgen deficiency is occurring. - Difficulty concentrating to a point where things like forgetting daily appointments become common. - Increase in body fat can happen, even if the diet hasn’t changed. Low androgen can also lower the metabolism. - Feelings of weakness or actual loss of muscle mass. Male hormones such as androgen fuel muscle growth and recovery. When levels are low it can make it difficult to gain or retain musculature. - Less odor in sweat can occur, and although most would find this a positive symptom, the lack of body odor indicates problems in hormone balance. - Reproductive drive can plummet and can cause disinterest in intimacy to a point where relationships can suffer. Occasionally, romance just doesn’t feel the same, and a man may wonder how to increase male organ sensitivity. - Male dysfunction, the difficulty or complete inability to gain or maintain a tumescene, can be a devastating symptom, especially for men who have never had problems 

in that department. - Lowered self confidence can be a secondary symptom of low androgen due to ongoing problems such as fatigue, weight gain or male dysfunction. Treatment options- One of the first things that should be done is to make an appointment with a healthcare provider to rule out disorders that mimic low androgen. Simple blood work can reveal whether male hormone levels are indeed low. Once it’s determined that the problem is low androgen, treatment options exist that can help. - Hormone replacement, if prescribed by a doctor, can eliminate most of the symptoms of male menopause. Certain diseases like prostate cancer can be aggravated by its use so a careful medical exam is needed to ensure there are no contraindications to supplementing androgen. - Diets such as the Mediterranean Diet, as well as exercise can not only improve hormone heath, but general health, as well. Improving food quality eaten and physical activity levels will do wonders for hormone health, male organ health, and overall wellbeing. - Supplements that contain DHEA, zinc, vitamin D or the herb ashwagandha are known to boost androgen levels. Topical cremes that contain anti-aging vitamins like A and C, and amino acids like L-Arginine, can help symptoms that impact male organ health and restore youthful resilience and sensitivity. There are many disheartening symptoms of male menopause,f but luckily, modern medicine, natural supplements, and topical male organ health crèmes (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) containing high-end nutrients that target the manhood tissue are available to address them. With proper treatment, men can feel like they are back in the game of life once again. For more on men’s health visit where information and tips can be found on rejuvenating, gaining sensitivity and overall care of the male organ. John Dugan is a health columnist and ongoing contributor to many sites across the web.


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